ThePomodoroTechniqueisapopulartimemanagementsystemthatinvolvesworkingin25-minuteintervalswithshort5-minutebreaksinbetweento ...,Itusesakitchentimertobreakworkintointervals,typically25minutesinlength,separatedbyshortbreaks.Eachintervalisknownasapo...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Pomodoro Technique 101: Get more done in less time

The Pomodoro Technique is a popular time management system that involves working in 25-minute intervals with short 5-minute breaks in between to ...

Pomodoro Technique

It uses a kitchen timer to break work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Each interval is known as a pomodoro, from the ... Body doubling · Incremental reading · Life hack · Procrastination

The Pomodoro Technique:: my go-to strategy for top

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management strategy that focuses on short sprints of focused work (25 minutes) spaced out by quick breaks to help you recharge ...

Pomodoro Timer

How to use the Pomodoro Timer? · Add tasks to work on today · Set estimate pomodoros (1 = 25min of work) for each tasks · Select a task to work on · Start timer ... Pomofoucs icon Pomofocus · Sign In · Privacy Page · Contact

Pomodoro Technique

Try out the Pomodoro technique which is a structured series of shorter periods of focus that builds in time for your brain to take a break.

The Pomodoro Technique Explained

The Pomodoro Technique is useful if you get distracted while working on a project or want to understand how long a task takes. It's ideal for ...

Pomodoro® Technique

Over two million people have already used the Pomodoro® Technique to transform their lives, making them more productive, more focused and even smarter.

What is Pomodoro Technique time management?

What is the Pomodoro Technique? The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method based on 25-minute stretches of focused work broken by five-minute breaks.

The Pomodoro Technique — Why it works & how to do it

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method in which you do focused work during 25-minute intervals — known as pomodoros — and take a five-minute break. What is the history of the... · Three Pomodoro Technique... · Does the Pomodoro.


ThePomodoroTechniqueisapopulartimemanagementsystemthatinvolvesworkingin25-minuteintervalswithshort5-minutebreaksinbetweento ...,Itusesakitchentimertobreakworkintointervals,typically25minutesinlength,separatedbyshortbreaks.Eachintervalisknownasapomodoro,fromthe ...Bodydoubling·Incrementalreading·Lifehack·Procrastination,ThePomodoroTechniqueisatimemanagementstrategythatfocusesonshortsprintsoffoc...